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Symbols - What does heaven look like


See the Hourglass.

Drums have especial symbolic significance in many cultures because they can be used to invoke spiritual experience.

But the symbol of the hourglass and the drum has often been combined in some cultures to good effect to produce a drum in an hourglass shape.  The drum may also used to show the weaving symbolism – the threads of creation – see the Perceptions and the Loom.

There are also oval drums that are based on the Egg, and drums shaped like tunnels [Portals].

On the twelfth day of Christmas, my true love gave to me...

12 Drummers Drumming

11 Pipers Piping

10 Lords-a-Leaping

9 Ladies Dancing

8 Maids-a-Milking

7 Swans-a-Swimming

6 Geese-a-Laying

5 Gold Rings

4 Colly Birds

3 French Hens

2 Turtle Doves

And a Partridge in a Pear Tree

Some example symbolic drums

The janggu a traditional Korean hourglass drum
Wikipedia: Hourglass drums are a class of membranophone, or drum, characterized by an hourglass shape. They are also known as waisted drums. Drumheads are attached by laces, which may be squeezed during a performance to alter the pitch. The category also includes pellet drums such as the damaru, although not all pellet drums are hourglass shaped (such as the Korean do, nodo, noedo, and yeongdo, which are barrel shaped).
A Batá drum is a double-headed drum shaped like an hourglass with one cone larger than the other. The percussion instrument is used primarily for the use of religious or semi-religious purposes for the native culture from the land of Yoruba [Nigeria], Cuba, Puerto Rico, and in the United States.

Bata drums

A west African talking drum
Wikipedia: The dhad  is a small hourglass-shaped drum of the Damru style [Punjab, India]  Held in one hand, it is struck on either side, with the other hand holding the skinned sides vertically or horizontally. This instrument has been very popular with the Dhadies, who sing traditional ballads of brave warriors and heroes drawn from history called 'Dhadi Vaaran'.

Wikipedia: The urumee is a double-headed hourglass-shaped drum from the state of Tamil Nadu, South India. Two skin heads are attached to a single hollow, often intricately carved wooden shell. The preferred wood is jackwood, although other wood may be used. Both left and right heads are usually made from cow hide that is stretched around a thin metal ring (sometimes lizard skin is used for the right head). The outer circumference of each head is perforated with approximately seven to eight holes. The two heads are held in tension by a continuous rope that is woven around the drum in a V-shape pattern. Additional small coils of string or metal are tied around each pair of ropes near the left head. These coils can be slid horizontally along the length of the drum, increasing or decreasing the tension between the heads as necessary.

Wikipedia: The jiegu was a drum used in ancient China. It was hourglass-shaped and played with two wooden sticks.  It was adopted from the Central Asian region of Kucha during the Tang Dynasty and became a popular instrument for dancing, particularly among nobles. Emperor Xuanzong of Tang (reigned 712-756) was known as a skilled player of the instrument.

Wikipedia: The Otsuzumi is an hourglass-shaped Japanese drum. It is a larger version of the tsuzumi, or kotsuzumi and is used in traditional Japanese theatre and dance. Its appearance and the sound it produces are slightly different than that of the tsuzumi. Whereas the tsuzumi is smaller and has a more ornate drum head, the okawa is larger, and its head takes on a more plain, leathery appearance. The sound is also higher and sharper in pitch, resembling more of a "pop" than the tsuzumi's "pon" sound. The hourglass structure remains the same, however, as well as the method in which the drum heads are made taut.

Japanese Tsuzumi drum


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