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Singing spells

Category: Actions



Introduction and description

In the world of software, there is a difference between the programming language used to write a program - and the final program written up using this language. In the spiritual world, the programming language is the Word and the programs resulting are called 'songlines'. If you turn to the section on songlines, you will see that the transactions of the universe are musical. In other words, the transactions of the universe were probably broken down into components that when executed could be heard as music.

I do not believe from looking at the evidence that the vast majority of spiritually aware people - the wizards of the past - knew the internals of the programs of the universe, knew the songlines. They may have been able to roughly reproduce the tunes they heard, they may have been able to associate the functions of the universe with the music, but people in general could not hum a tune to reproduce a transaction.

But a program or transaction of the universe does not need to be executed by a person, it can be ‘triggered’. And this is what a spell is, the means by which a songline can be triggered. Let me use a simple diagram to illustrate. ……

Here we see all the components in the transaction and the logical order in which they need to be executed. At the start of the transaction, however, we also see that we have a large arrow which is the start point to the transaction – this is the ‘trigger’. The trigger in this example is the input of some information. So it is possible to ‘invoke’ a transaction by triggering it and the trigger is the spell.

And this is how I think people of the past were able to invoke a songline via spells because from the evidence, they could do a great deal we cannot do or even conceive of today. 

Methods of invocation

How do the functions of the universe get executed? There might be two ways that each function is started [called invocation]. 

Triggering by an action - It may be that it is triggered by another transaction. So, in effect, a link has been made between one transaction and another. In a perhaps silly example, when we rub a dog’s tummy, it feels pleasure and this then triggers the next function which is ‘wag tail’. So here by simply rubbing a dog's tummy we magically cause the doggy to wag its tail [and believe me this magic never fails].

Triggering by command - Alternatively, there may be a way of invoking this function directly using words – a spoken spell. Perhaps you give it instructions – 

wag tail’: 4 times, big sweeps, side to side

In computing, the direct invocation of a function requires the invoker to state the function required and then give a series of parameters. Parameters tell the function all it needs as input to enable it to proceed. In the example above we want the little dog to wag its tail 4 times, to make each sweep a big one and to make the tail go from side to side and not up and down or round and round.

Another [more prosaic] example; if I log on to the Internet banking network, all I have to do to transfer money is to name this function – ‘transfer money between accounts’ give the function the ‘from’ account number and name and the ‘to’ account number and name, give my password and memorable information and the transaction will then execute for me. The key to getting a transaction to execute therefore is to use the right name and the right ‘parameters’

In essence - The key to this is that we do not have to know the code of the function to get it to execute. All we need to know is the name of the function and the parameters, or if you want to do it via other functions, what physical functions to execute to get the desired effect. Rub tummy – wag tail.

And this is what a spell or incantation or a charm is – an invocation of a function using its correct name with the parameters needed to make sure it works exactly as you want.

Suppose you are a rain maker for example. You may invoke the function ‘Rain’, but it may also be handy to specify how much rain you want and for how long you want it to rain. If you then say you want 6 inches in an hour; you are going to have a downpour of unbelievable proportions, whereas if you ask for an inch in 5 hours, you’ll get a slightly more steady and manageable downpour.

So the exact naming, and the precise use of parameters is key.

Indirect invocation and chain effects

I found a number of observations in which there seemed to be more of a chain of functions in operation. The trigger in other words was not direct. One of the key areas in which chains of function are evident is in healing.

A psychologist will tell you that the effects may well be ‘psychosomatic’ – but what does this mean? It is just another word which means the person triggers their own functions. So if they think they are being healed, or bewitched or cursed, they heal or curse or bewitch themselves. So they are the triggers of their own functions as opposed to the magician, or healer, or similar, actually invoking it for them.

This means that many healers are enablers, but it does not invalidate the idea that we are ‘operated’ by function – by the software of the universe - or that functions can be invoked. Nor should we scorn the apparent ramblings of a faith healer, for if they can cause us to invoke the right functions by ourselves they have indeed done the trick.

Varieties of spells

From what I can conclude from the observations, there were once spells for virtually everything at one time, even spells that caused depression or sorrow. Before we laugh at these examples, we need to rethink our mirth. Some people when they have alcohol end up very happy, others only experience feelings of severe depression. Despite all the attempts to chemically explain this phenomenon, no one has as yet produced any convincing reason why this should be so – and it has little to do with the mood a person is in before they start drinking.

If instead of thinking chemically, we think of sorrow and depression as well as happiness as functions – programs - which can be triggered, then it makes a lot more sense. What triggers the functions, however, is more interesting and may be something to do with the functions of alcohol [or it may not – it may be far more complex]. It may well be that the magicians of old did indeed know how to invoke the human functions of sorrow or mirth directly.

The observations also show that there were invocations that could be used as counter invocations - like the undo button on your computer – and there were also functions within plants that you could invoke that counteracted the effect of the spell. This is no different to knowing the antidote to poisons. The poison has functions which act on your functions to make you ill, and the plant has functions which counteract the effect of the poison functions – all this is just function interaction.

These days, we use music in advertising to help in selling products, in films to promote atmosphere, in supermarkets to promote buying, in dentists’ waiting rooms to promote a feeling of calm and relaxation, we use stirring music to promote courage and bravery, but we never question why this effect occurs. If we gave them the name ‘spells’ everyone would laugh, but in a sense that is what they are – the use of music to invoke a specific function within us. 


I have no idea! Invocations were usually songs and we have lost the musical notation that was used to describe the songs. I have provided some background on what might have been the possible notation systems which could have been used to record spells, but even if they are notations, we are no nearer knowing what the spells sounded like because they are written or translated as words and not musical notes……………….

How it works



It is possible that the vast majority of the observations listed under the heading for Environmental influence were achieved through spells, but I have confined the observations in the list that follows to only those where it is specifically mentioned that the person used an 'incantation' of some sort, or as they say in all the best stories and legends 'muttered something darkly under their breath'!!

Related observations