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Category: Medicines - plant based



Introduction and description

Ginseng is any one of 11 species of slow-growing perennial plants with fleshy roots, belonging to the genus Panax of the family Araliaceae.

It is found only in the Northern Hemisphere, in North America and in eastern Asia (mostly Korea, northeastern China (Manchuria), Bhutan, and eastern Siberia), typically in cooler climates. Panax vietnamensis, discovered in Vietnam, is the southernmost ginseng known. Ginseng is characterized by the presence of ginsenosides.

Siberian ginseng (Eleutherococcus senticosus) is in the same family, but not genus, as true ginseng. Like ginseng, it is considered to be an adaptogenic herb. The active compounds in Siberian ginseng are eleutherosides, not ginsenosides. Instead of a fleshy root, Siberian ginseng has a woody root.

Ginseng is used as a herbal medicine. The root is most often available in dried form, either whole or sliced. Ginseng leaf, although not as highly prized, is sometimes also used; as with the root, it is most often available in dried form. Ginseng may be included in small doses in energy drinks or tisanes, such as ginseng coffee


Folk medicine attributes various benefits to oral use of American ginseng and Asian ginseng (P. ginseng) roots, some of which are proven some of which are not. It has been described as an aphrodisiac, stimulant, type II diabetes treatment, or cure for sexual dysfunction in men.

The part that is proven is that ginseng does lower blood glucose. As lowering blood glucose can have positive knock on effects, then some of the other claims may indeed be true, but as yet these links have not been made.  The list of observations will show you what has been scientifically proven.

It is the ginseng glycopeptides (GGP) that have hypoglycemic activity [meaning it lowers blood glucose]. The hypoglycemia is due to the enhancement of aerobic glycolysis. Glycolosis is the term given to the metabolic process used by most microorganisms (yeast and bacteria) and by all "higher" animals (including humans) for the degradation of glucose.

The administration of GGP decreases both the level of plasma lactic acid and the activities of plasma and liver LDH [lactic acid dehydrogenase;] while enhancing the rate limiting enzymes in aerobic glycolysis (tricar-boxylic acid cycle). The hypoglycemic action of GGP can last up to 16 hours


Teas, Asian style meals ......

How it works

To heal it works in various ways depending on the particular part of the plant that is operating - you will be able to see this from the observations

If you overdose on ginseng , take ginseng when you do not need it [which is in effect overdosing] or take ginseng with diabetes medication you could give yourself Hypoglycemia and this can produce hallucinations

Hypoglycemia or hypoglycæmia is the medical term for a state produced by a lower than normal level of blood glucose.   It can produce a variety of symptoms and effects but the principal problems arise from an inadequate supply of glucose to the brain, resulting in impairment of function.

I have a separate entry for Hypoglycemia you can turn to to get more information 


Relatively inexpensive

Readily available




Not regulated - too many herbal medicines are not ginseng at all


Related observations