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This book, which covers Visions and hallucinations, explains what causes them and summarises how many hallucinations have been caused by each event or activity. It also provides specific help with questions people have asked us, such as ‘Is my medication giving me hallucinations?’.

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Category: Food



Introduction and description


Bread is a staple food prepared from a dough of flour and water which is then baked. 

There are many combinations and proportions of types of flour and other ingredients, and also of different traditional recipes and modes of preparation of bread. As a result, there are wide varieties of types, shapes, sizes, and textures of breads in various regions.

Bread may be leavened [made to rise] by many different processes ranging from the use of naturally occurring microbes and yeasts, to – and I quote – “ high-pressure artificial aeration methods” during preparation or baking in industrial bakeries.

Some products are left unleavened, either for preference, or for traditional or religious reasons.

Many non-cereal ingredients may be included, ranging from fruits and nuts to "various fats". Commercial bread in particular, commonly contains additives, some of them non-nutritional, to “improve texture, colour, shelf life, or ease of manufacturing”.

And it is the means by which bread is harvested together with the additives and the manufacturing process that have led us, sadly, to move bread to the overload section, where it can be found under Eating bread.

If you make your own bread and have a genuine source of organically grown flour that has not been tampered with by the addition of extra chemicals like folates, then bread is fine.  We cannot, however, provide you with the nutrient value of this bread, as there are no details on nutritional value on any site.


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