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Solheim, Dr Valerie

Category: Healer

Valerie Solheim, PhD, DD, is a Jungian Therapist, a Research Psychologist in energy transfer systems and the author of The Beehive Effect: Ancient Rites – Quantum Principles, she has been a Beekeeper since 2009.

Valerie lives in the mountains west of Boulder, CO. She was born in the Philippines in 1953 on an archaeology dig. Her husband, Jesse, is a sculptor of the classical nude figure in marble. (JesseHolmes.com). She says she  “ belongs to two delightful grown boys and their two wonderful girls. Presently, my grandchildren are all four-legged furry beasties .... We proudly share our abode with one dog, Marley, a cat ,Polo, 14 chickens (I won't name them all but they do have names). Then there are the bee hives, Queen Ann, Joy Luck, Sister Act, Gold Run and Queen City”. She describes herself as “Above all a spiritual being and I am devoted to remembering who I am ...and what my purpose is here in this dream”.

And this video tells you about herself and her bees

Valerie has been conducting extensive research on honeybee health using subtle energy transfer to beehives for some years. She has found that the positioning of the hives over geomagnetic hot spots and other areas of interesting energy fields produces healthier bees. I have quoted some of her findings in the science section article on the Frequency of a bees hum. Her work has found her collaborating with an unlikely collection of people - physicists, engineers and spiritual healers! Valerie’s research has all led to the conclusion that the placement of hives in subtle energy fields is beneficial in sustaining honeybee health.

What is somewhat fascinating is that whilst helping to improve bee health, Valerie made recordings inside the hives of healthy bees and made them into CDs. She discovered that the four HealingBees CDs recorded inside the hives have all shown to have unusually deep healing properties for human beings and in addition appear to enable people to have some quite profound spiritual experiences 'spiritual-mind entrainment'.

As she says 'Honeybees don’t stop giving'.

She can be found on HealingBees.org and HealingBees.us


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