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Ramdas, Swami

Category: Mystic

Swami Ramdas (1884-1963) was an Indian mystic, born in Kerala,  who gave up his worldly possessions at a young age, to become a wandering monk. 

His principal  technique was the use of chanting and mantra, but he also used retreats and solitude.  But he lived his later life based on ‘charity’ – he founded an ashram whose aim was  to improve the living conditions of the local people.  This continues to this day to share Swami Ramdas’ vision of ‘’Universal Love and Service’.

As he said “Just as a flower gives out its fragrance to whomsoever approaches or uses it, so love from within us radiates towards everybody and manifests as spontaneous service.”

He also based his life on hope – trusting in the future and not worrying about what might happen. According to his disciples.

an absorption experience near Mangalore fully erased his personal identity, so that only Oneness prevailed” – so he achieved annihilation.


In Quest of God – Swami Ramdas


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