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Raikov, Professor Vladimir L

Category: Scientist


Prof. Vladimir Leonidovich Raikov was a psychotherapist and head of the Laboratory for Hypnosis at the State Scientific and Research Centre for Preventive Medicine, [Moscow, Petroverigsky per., 10. ]

He was president of the National Association of Creative and Clinical Hypnosis, co-president of the International Association of Theoretical and Experimental Hypnosis, a member of the American Association of Clinical and Experimental Hypnosis, and a professor of the Milan University of New Medicine.

He also painted and wrote poetry.





Я растворился в бездонности неба,

В синем сиянии солнечных струй.

Море в блаженстве прохлады и неги,

Легкий, ласкающий поцелуй.


В каждом мелькнувшем мгновении - вечность,

Сказочный отблеск далеких миров.

Взгляд - отраженная бесконечность,

Мысль - прозвучавшая песня без слов.


Белый и желтый песок обжигающий,

Освобожденье, спасение, свет.

Испепеляющий, благословляющий,

Непрекращающийся рассвет.


Я растворился в объятиях лета,

В мире волшебных, сверкающих снов,

В волнах лазурного чистого света

Синих, зеленых и красных цветов.




I have dissolved into the bottomlessness of the sky,
In the blue glow of solar jets.
The sea is in the bliss of coolness and bliss,
Easy, caressing kiss.

In every instant, eternity,
A fabulous reflection of distant worlds.
A look is a reflected infinity,
Thought is a song without words. 

White and yellow sand scorching,
Liberation, salvation, light.
Sacrificing, blessing,
The incessant dawn. 

I disappeared into the arms of summer,
In a world of magical, sparkling dreams,
In the waves of azure pure light
Blue, green and red colors.



Evolutionary Rationalism In Dr. V.L. Raikov’s Mosaic Model Of Consciousness -  N.D. Tvorogova, Russia, Moscow

Vladimir Leonidovich Raikov was a psychiatrist and an outstanding specialist in hypnosis who lived in Russia in the last half of the 20th century. In the last ten years of his life, he published a number of books in which his practical experience and the results of his theoretical search were generalized and summarized. One of those books is a monograph called «Consciousness» (2000); another is a book called «The Importance of Understanding Consciousness» (2005).


" Vladimir Raikov from Russia (see above) was, in the 1970s,
able to hypnotize almost the entire Soviet Politburo and
asked each of them if they could make art like their most
admired artist. It turned out, those who wished to do so
fashioned astonishingly good likenesses of work by their
favorite sculptor, painter, poet, even dancer."

Professor Raikov began conducting hypnotic experiments in the 1960s which were designed to improve the musical abilities of students at the Moscow Conservatory. His experiments consisted of 3 groups, a control group-students who were not hypnotized, students who were hypnotized and received positive suggestions, and students who were hypnotized and were taught to "be in the skin of" some of the great musicians throughout history.  Students who were in the third group scored significantly higher in their exams in both technical proficiency and artistic interpretation.

Raikov's technique involved inducing a deep trance where students were regressed to an early age. From there they would ‘associate into the model and grow up mastering the musical instrument as the master musician’.

The methods he developed have now been labelled ‘Deep Trance Identification’ and are now in use in a number of countries.  An American book on the subject was written in 2014 entitled "Deep Trance Identification: Unconscious Modeling and Mastery for Hypnosis Practitioners, Coaches, and Everyday People". A snappy title.  It was written by Shawn Carson, Jess Marion, and John Overdurf.

Raikov’s most famous research involved students at the Moscow Conservatory of Music in the 1960s.  Raikov used hypnosis to improve the technical music skills of the students, as well as their interpretative abilities.  Raikov studied the effects of hypnosis and DTI on several thousand people.  Not only was he able to improve the skills of the students with hypnosis, but he also carried out double-blind studies to support his theories. 

For example, at the Moscow Conservatory of Music he would induce a deep trance in highly hypnotisable subjects and over the course of one to three sessions would get them to identify with [‘be in the skin of’, as Raikov describes it] a musician who was a master of the instrument the student was studying.  So, for example, students of the piano would DTI with Rachmaninov, students of the violin would DTI with Kreisler and students of the cello would DTI with Casals.

There are several extremely interesting aspects to Raikov’s technique.  For one thing, he would regress the students back to childhood as part of his protocol.  He would also get the students to engage in a physical activity, either playing the instrument or playing an imaginary instrument while in a trance.  He referred to these deep trances where the subject would undertake a physical activity as ‘active hypnotic somnambulism’.  Raikov strongly held to the opinion that deep trance was required to experience a true DTI.

Before and after the sessions, the students would play a piece of music for expert examiners who would rank their performance.  Some of the students had completed the protocol, whilst others went through a control experience that was similar, but did not involve trance and DTI.  Raikov was therefore able to determine exactly the effect of the DTI on the musical skills of the students.

Raikov published a number of papers on his research at the Moscow Conservatory, as well as similar research carried out at language schools and arts schools.

It might be of interest to know that Raikov’s work was used in the development of NLP.


Evolutionary Rationalism In Dr. V.L. Raikov’s Mosaic Model Of Consciousness -  N.D. Tvorogova, Russia, Moscow

Dr Raikov believed that human creation is meant to be beautiful, a real embodiment of beauty (great Masters have always been striving to make whatever they create the expression of beauty). ‘Creativity is usually connected with a certain psychic state which is very special and connected with spirituality and a positive attitude to life. That man usually has the desire to get what he loves. What he loves and what he keeps striving for is exactly what he is. Evolutionary rationalism emphasizes the necessity for positive development, whether the man is aware of it or not’.

V. L. Raikov believed that the main function of consciousness was the creation of Good. All the personal qualities that one cares for and wants to have should help this goal to be reached. If people use their free will to do something negative and become full of aggression, meanness and desire for expansion, there could be great danger for humanity to stop existing. Another important function of consciousness is gnosis, coming to know the truth; becoming more and more aware of the fundamental laws of being in order to live in alignment with them and create wonderful things, using them.
The greatest truth, connected with human existence, is the man’s longing to know the truth.



Philosophical works (published in Russian)

  • Art and Consciousness. (Mirror of the Universe). Moscow, 2000.
  • Consciousness and Cognition in III Millennium. Moscow, 1999.
  • Biological Evolution and the Improvement of Man. Hypnosis, Consciousness, Creativity and Art. Moscow, 1998.
  • Plurality of Consciousness. Moscow, 2000.

Notable papers

  • Wladimir Raikov. Experimente und Erfolge mit Hypnose. - Ideen des exacten Wissens. Wisseschaft und Technik in der Sowjetunion. (November) 11, 1973, 698-705, Deutsche Verlags-Anstalt, Stuttgart.
  • Raikov V.L. (1975). Theoretical substantiation of deep hypnosis. - American Journal of Clinical Hypnosis, 18, 23-27.
  • Vladimir L. Raikov. (1976). The Possibility of Creativity in the Active Stage of Hypnosis. - International Journal of Clinical and Experimental Hypnosis, 24, № 3, 258-268.
  • Raikov V.L. (1977). Theoretical Analysis of Deep Hypnosis Creative Activity of Hypnotized Subjects into Transformed Selfconsciousness. - American Journal of Clinical Hypnosis. V. 19, № 4, 214-220.
  • Raikov V.L. (1978). Specific Features of Suggested Anesthesia in Some Forms of Hypnosis in which the Subject is Active. - International Journal of Clinical and Experimental Hypnosis. 26, № 3, 158-166.
  • Raikov V.L. (1980). Age Regression to Infancy by Adult Subjects in Deep Hypnosis. - American Journal of Clinical Hypnosis. (March), v. 22, 156-163.
  • Raikov V.L. (1982). Hypnotic Age Regression to the Neonatal Period: Comparisons with Role Playing. - International Journal of Clinical and Experimental Hypnosis. 30, № 2, 108-116.
  • Raikov V.L. (1983). Creativites et Hypnose. - Perspectives Psychiatriquers. V. 11, № 91, 111-118. (Paris).
  • Raikov V.L. (1983-1984). EEG Recordings of Experiments in Hypnotic Age Regression. - Imagination, Cognition and Personality, 3, 115-132.
  • Raikov V.L. (1992). Hypnosis as an Active Creative Act and Posthypnotic Development of Enhanced Creativity. - The Journal of Creative Behavor. Vol. 26, № 3, Third Quarter, 148-155.
  • Raikov V.L. (1994). Creative Hypnosis. - Japanese Journal of Hypnosis, April, Vol. 38, № 1, 5-11.
  • Raikov V.L. (1973). Creativity in Hypnosis. - The Materials of the VI International Congress for Hypnosis. Uppsala, Sweeden.
  • Raikov V.L. (1976). Posthypnotic Behavior Following Creative Process in Deep Hypnosis. - in: Society for Clinical and Experimental Hypnosis Symposium: Is Creativity Increased under Hypnosis? June 30, 1976.
  • Raikov V.L. (1991, August). Hypnosis as a specific form of creative activity. - Fifth European Congress of Hypnosis in Psychtherapy and Psychotherapeutic Medicine, Constance, Germany.
  • Vladimir Raikov (1992). Tactile Hypnosis. - 12th International Congress of Hypnosis, Jerusalem, Israel, July 25-31, 1992, Book of Abstracts, p. 29.
  • Raikov V.L. (1992). Manual Hypnosis. - Materials of 50th Anniversary International meeting of American Psychosomatic Society, New-York City, March 31 - April 4, 1992, p. 46.
  • Raikov V.L. (1993). Stress and Tactile Hypnosis. - Fifth International Montreux Congress on Stress, Switzerland, February 14-19, 1993, p. 39.
  • Raikov V.L. (1994). Contact-Information Evolution of Alive and Non-Alive Substance and Tactile Treatment. - 13th International Congress of Hypnosis, Melbourn, Australia, 6-12 August, 1994.
  • Raikov V.L., Tikhomirov O.K. (1976). The Development of Eidetic Sight Capacity under Hypnosis. - The Materials of VI International Congress of Hypnosis and Psychosomatic Medicine. Philadelphia, 1976.
  • Rotenberg V.S., Raikov V.L., Andreev V.L. (1978). L’hypnose et l’histerie. - Revue de medicine Psychomatique. №3, annee 1978, p. 321-327.
  • Vladimir L. Raikov. (1996). Stress and Tactile Hypnosis. - Eighth International Montreux Congress on Stress. Montreux, Switzerland, February 18-23, 1996.



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