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Leary, Timothy
Category: Scientist
I suspect that Timothy Leary, had he been alive, might have preferred to have been classified as an adventurer, but essentially he was for most of his life a researcher in hallucinogenic and so called psychedelic substances, as such he was more of a scientist than an adventurer. Wikipedia's description is as follows [edited for brevity]:
Timothy Francis Leary (October 22, 1920 – May 31, 1996) was an American psychologist and writer. During a time when drugs such as LSD and psilocybin were legal, Leary conducted experiments at Harvard University under the Harvard Psilocybin Project, resulting in the Concord Prison Experiment and the Marsh Chapel Experiment. Both studies produced useful data, but Leary and his associate Richard Alpert were fired from the university because of the public controversy surrounding their research. Leary believed LSD showed therapeutic potential for use in psychiatry. He popularized catchphrases that promoted his philosophy such as "turn on, tune in, drop out" (a phrase given to Leary by Marshall McLuhan); "set and setting"; and "think for yourself and question authority". During the 1960s and 1970s, he was arrested often enough to see the inside of 29 different prisons worldwide. President Richard Nixon once described Leary as "the most dangerous man in America".
Leary authored and co-authored over 20 books, some of which are shown below.
An alternative biography, longer and fuller can be found on
- The Psychedelic Experience: A Manual Based on the Tibetan Book of the Dead Leary, Timothy and Metzner, Ralph; Alpert, Richard. 1964Psychedelic Prayers after the Tao Te Ching. Leary, Timothy. 1966, Poets Press.
- High Priest. Leary, Timothy. 1968.
- Jail Notes. Leary, Timothy. 1970. Preface by Allen Ginsberg. Douglas Book Corp.
- Exo-Psychology: A Manual on The Use of the Nervous System According to the Instructions of the Manufacturers. Leary, Timothy. 1977.
- Changing My Mind Among Others. Leary, Timothy. 1982.
- The Psychedelic Reader: Classic Selections from the Psychedelic Review..
- A Letter from Timothy Leary to Aldous Huxley. 1996. Leary Archives Press. (limited-edition publication includes the 1960 letter)
- Turn on, tune in, drop out|Turn On, Tune In, Drop Out. various collected essays by Leary, Timothy, 1999.
- Change Your Brain", Leary, Timothy and Potter, Beverly, 2000
- The Politics of Psychopharmacology. Leary, Timothy and Potter, Beverly. 2001.
- Evolutionary Agents. Leary, Timothy and Beverly A. Potter. 2004.
For iPad/iPhone users: tap letter twice to get list of items.
- Leary, Timothy - And I came back a changed man
- Leary, Timothy - Charlie started seeing the room in wonderful technicolour
- Leary, Timothy - compares LSD and DMT
- Leary, Timothy - DMT hell trips
- Leary, Timothy - Gone, gone, gone
- Leary, Timothy - High Priest - O'Donnell alone
- Leary, Timothy - spins out of control on DMT
- Leary, Timothy - The Concord Prison Experiment
- Leary, Timothy - The mushroom pill has unwanted effects
- Leary, Timothy - tries DMT