Observations placeholder
Zohar - I 092b – Midnight
Type of Spiritual Experience
A description of the experience
Zohar I 092b [translated by Gershom Scholem] – Midnight
Rabbi Abba went up to him and kissed him, and said:
Surely, it is as you say. Blessed be God who has guided me here. In all places judgment is executed at night, and this we have certainly affirmed, discussing it before Rabbi Simeon.
At this, the young son of the innkeeper asked: why then does it say "Midnight”
Rabbi Abba replied: It is established that the heavenly King rises at midnight.
The boy said: I have a different explanation.
Then Rabbi Abba said: speak, my child, because through your mouth will speak the voice of the Lamp.
He answered: This is what I have heard. Truly, night is the time of strict judgment, a judgment which reaches out impartially everywhere. But midnight draws from two sides, from judgment and from mercy, the first half only of the night being the period of judgment, while the second half takes illumination from the side of mercy {hesed}. Wherefore David said ‘Midnight’.
Upon this Rabbi Abba stood up and put his hands on the boy’s head and blessed him and said ‘I had thought that wisdom dwells only in a few privileged pious men. But I perceive that even children are gifted with heavenly wisdom in the generation of Rabi Simeon.