Observations placeholder
Zhu Xi - Wandering at ease in the realm of ritual rules
Type of Spiritual Experience
When we study all that Chu has left behind of his thoughts on ritual, we find that he approached the subject both as a scholar doing historical research on classical texts and commentaries and as an aspiring practical reformer wishing to offer a new ritual system for his own age [Julia Ching – The religious thought of Chu Hsi]
A description of the experience
Since age 14, I’ve been without a father. I finished mourning for him at age 16. We followed at that time the sacrificial rites as we knew them at home. Ritual texts were not available, but what we did was rather proper, as my now deceased mother was very devoted to sacrificial matters. When I reached 17 or 18, I started to study and compile various family rituals so that we became better prepared.
Wandering at ease in the realm of ritual rules
Losing myself in the house of humanity and rightness
I do have the desire for this
But not the strength to carry it out
Wearing the maxims of former masters
Carrying the torch for ancient martyrs -
Only by private and daily practise
May I fulfil these councils