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Observations placeholder

Whiteman, J H M the confusion caused by combining OBE with lucid dreaming



Type of Spiritual Experience


A description of the experience

The Mystical Life – J H M Whiteman

(December 6, 1953). In sleep I became suddenly aware of having been walking along a road through open country for some time. I proceeded to reflect (while still separated) whether I could be said to have been really separated in myself during that previous time, or whether perhaps it was an entity partly identified with me, whose memory had been carried over. A new accession of wakefulness then followed, which I describe as being due to the Will becoming awake.

But I was unable to see properly, the eyes being as if clouded over. The effort or wish to see more clearly resulted in a clearer but more material light, as of the physical world- displacing the other from the left. I considered carefully whether the new light should be described as more real or less real than the other, that is, whether the former light should be said to have any imaginative quality.

But the new light was also beyond proper control, and since I seemed (while contemplating it) to be in bed (in a duplicate state), I began to weigh up whether or not to make a decision to leave the bed in voluntary separation …a new separation, of lower type, then followed.

The source of the experience

Whiteman, J H M

Concepts, symbols and science items



Science Items

Activities and commonsteps



Dreaming and lucid dreaming

