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Whiteman, J H M possesses a foolish woman
Type of Spiritual Experience
Funny - who was possessing who!A description of the experience
The Mystical Life – J H M Whiteman
(June 1934) Becoming suddenly aware of being in a balanced state of dissociation, I seemed to leave the bed by sliding backwards. I then became erect and proceeded to re-enter the bedroom through the door, as I supposed. The wardrobe and other furniture could be seen, but there was an impression that it was not the same bedroom, the resemblances being only general ones.
I was wearing a close-fitting hat and black or navy-blue gloves, as if having just come in from a walk; … Moreover, the body I was in, although right in some ways, was distressingly wrong in others. It was as if I was influenced or possessed by some relatively undeveloped mind or minds.
My hands seemed to wave affectedly through the air, and my face, as seen in the mirror of the wardrobe, was not like my face on other separated occasions, but wore a foolish smile which filled me with such distaste that I returned at once to the physical world.