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This book, which covers Visions and hallucinations, explains what causes them and summarises how many hallucinations have been caused by each event or activity. It also provides specific help with questions people have asked us, such as ‘Is my medication giving me hallucinations?’.

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Observations placeholder

Verlaine, Paul - Vers pour être calomnié



Type of Spiritual Experience


My translation

A description of the experience

Vers pour être calomnié – Paul Verlaine

 Ce soir je m'étais penché sur ton sommeil.
Tout ton corps dormait chaste sur l'humble lit,
Et j'ai vu, comme un qui s'applique et qui lit,
Ah ! j'ai vu que tout est vain sous le soleil !

Qu'on vive, ô quelle délicate merveille,
Tant notre appareil est une fleur qui plie !
O pensée aboutissant à la folie !
Va, pauvre, dors ! moi, l'effroi pour toi m'éveille.

Ah ! misère de t'aimer, mon frêle amour
Qui vas respirant comme on respire un jour !
O regard fermé que la mort fera tel !

O bouche qui ris en songe sur ma bouche,
En attendant l'autre rire plus farouche !
Vite, éveille-toi. Dis, l'âme est immortelle ?


This evening I looked at you in sleep.
Your whole body slept chastely on the humble bed,
And I saw, as one who studies  and who reads,
Ah! I saw that all under the sun is in vain!

That one lives at all, oh what a delicate marvel
For our bodies are like a flower that wilts!
O thought that leads to madness!
Sleep on, poor soul! My fears for you keep me awake.

Ah! the misery of loving you, my frail love
Who breathes now just as one expires one day!
O those closed eyes that death will call its own!

O laughing mouth in dreams on my mouth,
We await the other laugh more fearsome!
Quickly, awake. Say, the soul is immortal?

The source of the experience

Verlaine, Paul

Concepts, symbols and science items



Science Items

Activities and commonsteps




