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Vaughan, Dr Alan – Dr Edgar Mitchell's ESP experiment from Apollo 14
Type of Spiritual Experience
A description of the experience
Patterns of Prophecy – Alan Vaughan
In July 1971, Psychic magazine flew me to Houston, Texas, to visit the Manned Spacecraft Center for an interview with Apollo 14 astronaut Edgar Mitchell.
I had to go through the Manned Spacecraft Center's public relations officer, and this entailed a number of long-distance phone calls. It was worth it. At last I was able to approximate my boyhood dream by entering the mock-up Apollo lunar module that surveyed a mock-up moon at the Manned Spacecraft Center.
But more important, I was able to get from Captain Mitchell the details of his dramatic moon-earth ESP experiment that gave significant evidence that ESP could penetrate not only the vastness of space but also the limits of time.
Because of a delay in the lift-off of Apollo 14, the periods scheduled for the astronauts' rest times (and Mitchell's ESP transmission times) were also delayed; the percipients on earth, however, recorded their guesses at the old prearranged times, thus making their guesses before Mitchell had himself determined the target order-ergo, pre- cognition.
Mitchell's ESP experiment from Apollo 14 was only the first step of a more comprehensive plan to bring to parapsychology the brains and money it needs to effect a major change in consciousness.
The source of the experience
NASA astronautsConcepts, symbols and science items
Communication with bodied soulsSymbols
Science Items
Activities and commonsteps
Riding on or in vehiclesSleep deprivation, insomnia and mental exhaustion
Being left handedFaraday cage
Sensory deprivation