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Observations placeholder

van Helmont, Jan Baptist - The Illumination of the Higher spirit



Type of Spiritual Experience


By soul here he means immortal soul – the Higher spirit

A description of the experience

Jan Baptista van Helmont – as quoted by Dr Kerner in The Seeress of Prevorst.

When God created the human soul, he communicated to it essential and original knowledge. This [immortal] soul is the mirror of the universe, and is in connection with all beings. She is lighted by a light from within; but the storms of passion, and the multitude of sensuous impressions, and the distractions of the world, darken this light, whose beams are only shed when it burns alone, and all within us is in peace and harmony.

If we would abstract ourselves from all external influences, and follow this light alone, we should find within ourselves true and unerring counsel. In this state of concentration, the [immortal] soul discriminates between all objects to which its observation is directed. It can unite itself with them-penetrate their Properties- and, reaching up to God, through him attain the most important truths.

If we go back into the primitive ages, when men dwelt under the dominion of nature, before the inner life was stifled by what is called cultivation-in the history of the Old Testament, for example, or even now in the East, which was the cradle of mankind-we shall find remnants of this inner life exhibited by entire races of people- such as, when they are observed in individuals here, we are accustomed to look upon as symptoms of disease.

The source of the experience

van Helmont, Jan Baptist

Concepts, symbols and science items


Science Items

Activities and commonsteps


