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This book, which covers Visions and hallucinations, explains what causes them and summarises how many hallucinations have been caused by each event or activity. It also provides specific help with questions people have asked us, such as ‘Is my medication giving me hallucinations?’.

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Observations placeholder

Chlorphenamine, Demazin, Tylenol, Contac 12 hour



Type of Spiritual Experience


Number of hallucinations: 151


Due to the number of drugs this drug is found in, it is impossible to provide a composite figure for all the hallucinations and deaths caused.  So some examples are given.

A description of the experience

Chlorphenamine    is a  first generation H1 receptor antagonist used in the treatment of 'allergic' conditions such as rhinitis and urticaria.

Chlorphenamine (INN) or chlorpheniramine (USAN, former BAN), commonly marketed in the form of chlorpheniramine maleate (Chlorphen-12), is a first-generation alkylamine antihistamine used in the prevention of the symptoms of allergic conditions such as rhinitis and urticaria. It is one of the most commonly used antihistamines in small-animal veterinary practice. Although not generally approved as an antidepressant or anti-anxiety medication, it has been used off label.

Chlorphenamine is often combined with phenylpropanolamine to form an allergy medication with both antihistamine and decongestant properties. Brand names include

  • Demazin
  • Allerest 12 Hour
  • Codral Nighttime
  • Chlornade
  • Contac 12 Hour
  • A R. M. Allergy Relief
  • Ordrine
  • Ornade Spansules
  • Teldrin
  • Triaminic
  • and Tylenol Cold/Allergy


On Apr, 3, 2015: 2,860 people reported to have side effects when taking Chlorpheniramine maleate. Among them, 19 people (0.66%) have Hallucination.

On Dec, 26, 2016 2,849 people reported to have side effects when taking Contac.  Among them, 4 people (0.14%) have Hallucination, Auditory

On Jan, 19, 2017 1,131 people reported to have side effects when taking Contac 12 Hour.  Among them, 3 people (0.27%) have Hallucination, Auditory

On Jan, 17, 2017 527 people reported to have side effects when taking Triaminic-12.
Among them, 1 person (0.19%) has Hallucinations, Mixed

On Dec, 21, 2016 7,279 people reported to have side effects when taking Tylenol W/ Codeine.  Among them, 53 people (0.73%) have Hallucination

On Jan, 01, 2017 7,279 people reported to have side effects when taking Tylenol W/ Codeine.  Among them, 32 people (0.44%) have Hallucination, Auditory

On Jan, 19, 2017 131 people reported to have side effects when taking Tylenol W/ Codeine No. 2.  Among them, 1 person (0.76%) has Hallucination, Visual

On Dec, 27, 2016 4,449 people reported to have side effects when taking Tylenol W/ Codeine No. 3.  Among them, 32 people (0.72%) have Hallucination

On Jan, 01, 2017 393 people reported to have side effects when taking Tylenol W/ Codeine No. 4.  Among them, 6 people (1.53%) have Hallucination



Chlorphenamine is combined with a narcotic (hydrocodone) in the product Tussionex, which is indicated for treatment of cough and upper respiratory symptoms associated with allergy or cold in adults and children 6 years of age and older. This combination is manufactured as a time-released formula, which allows for administration every 12 hours, versus the more common 4-to-6-hour regimen for other narcotic cough suppressants.

Chlorphenamine/dihydrocodeine immediate-release syrups are also marketed. In various places in the world, cough & cold preparations containing codeine and chlorphenamine are available. In the drug Coricidin, chlorphenamine is combined with the cough suppressant dextromethorphan



On Mar, 6, 2015: 2,848 people reported to have side effects when taking Contac. Among them, 21 people (0.74%) have Death.

Time on Contac when people have Death  :

  < 1 month 1 - 6 months 6 - 12 months 1 - 2 years 2 - 5 years 5 - 10 years 10+ years
Death 100.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%


On Mar, 17, 2015: 1,135 people reported to have side effects when taking Contac 12 hour. Among them, 3 people (0.26%) have Death.

On Mar, 30, 2015: 2,860 people reported to have side effects when taking Chlorpheniramine maleate. Among them, 66 people (2.31%) have Death.

Time on Chlorpheniramine maleate when people have Death  :

  < 1 month 1 - 6 months 6 - 12 months 1 - 2 years 2 - 5 years 5 - 10 years 10+ years
Death 80.00% 10.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 10.00% 0.00%


The source of the experience


Concepts, symbols and science items



Science Items

Activities and commonsteps


Hearing voices
