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Observations placeholder

Travelling Wilburys - Not alone anymore



Type of Spiritual Experience


The Traveling Wilburys (sometimes shortened to the Wilburys) were a British-American supergroup consisting of Bob Dylan, George Harrison, Jeff Lynne, Roy Orbison, and Tom Petty. The band recorded two albums in 1988 and 1990, though Orbison died before the second was recorded.

Orbison played a key role in this track as his amazing voice stars in the vocals.  Orbison joined the Traveling Wilburys in 1988. He died of a heart attack in December that year, at the zenith of his resurgence. His life was marred by tragedy, including the death of his first wife and his two eldest sons in separate accidents.


It was in 1987 that Orbison began collaborating with Electric Light Orchestra lead vocalist and bandleader Jeff Lynne on a new album. Concurrently, Lynne was completing production work on George Harrison's Cloud Nine album, and all three ate lunch together one day when Orbison accepted an invitation to sing on a song of Harrison's.

They subsequently contacted Bob Dylan, who, in turn, allowed them to use a recording studio in his home. Along the way, Harrison made a quick visit to Tom Petty's residence to obtain his guitar; Petty and his band had backed Dylan on his last tour.

By that evening, the group had written "Handle with Care", which led to the concept of recording an entire album. They called themselves the Traveling Wilburys, representing themselves as half-brothers with the same father. They gave themselves stage names; Orbison chose his from his musical hero, calling himself "Lefty Wilbury" after Lefty Frizzell.

Expanding on the concept of a traveling band of raucous musicians, Orbison offered a quote about the group's foundation in honor: "Some people say Daddy was a cad and a bounder. I remember him as a Baptist minister."

Lynne later spoke of the recording sessions: "Everybody just sat there going, 'Wow, it's Roy Orbison!'... Even though he's become your pal and you're hanging out and having a laugh and going to dinner, as soon as he gets behind that [mic] and he's doing his business, suddenly it's shudder time."

Orbison was given one solo track, "Not Alone Anymore", on the album.

His contributions were highly praised by the press. Traveling Wilburys Vol. 1 spent 53 weeks on the U.S. charts, peaking at number three. It reached No. 1 in Australia and topped out at No. 16 in the U.K. The album won a Grammy for Best Rock Performance by a Duo or Group. Rolling Stone included it in the top 100 albums of the decade.


A description of the experience

Traveling Wilburys – Not Alone Any More

You always said that I'd be back again
That I'd come running to you in the end
I thought that you were on your own
And now I find you're not alone

I'll see you through the rain
Through the heartache and pain
It hurts like never before
You're not alone any more

You always said that I would know someday
Just how it feels when your love walks away
I let you down, I let you go
I lost you, how was I to know

I'll see you through the rain
Through the heartache and pain
It hurts like never before
You're not alone any more

I never knew I could feel this way
I never could see past yesterday
You feel that everything is gone
I feel it too, you're not alone

I'll see you through the rain
Through the heartache and pain
It hurts like never before
You're not alone any more

Songwriters: Lynne, Jeff / Orbison, Roy / Dylan, Bob / Harrison, George / Petty, Tom

The source of the experience

Orbison, Roy

Concepts, symbols and science items



Science Items

Activities and commonsteps





Being left handed
Squash the big I am

