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Observations placeholder

The Ceasing of Notions – 21 The Body is not the Soul [Mortal or Immortal]



Type of Spiritual Experience


The first part of this is intended to show that the body itself controls the body, the mortal soul simply sends out orders.

The second part is more subtle and intended to show that once one dwells on the mortal and not immortal soul [Higher spirit], you plunge into the abyss of separation again, division by ego [again not unity in diversity], and the more separate one feels the more divorced from the oneness of nature as a whole, one is, until all one is is a morass of body and mind separate from everything - leading to suffering.

A description of the experience

The Ceasing of Notions [or the Treatise on the Transcendence of Cognition]

46.  Emmon asks ‘if the body is viewed as non-existent, then what about walking, standing, sitting and lying down.’

Master Nyuri : ‘Just walk, stand, sit, lie down!
Why set up any views with regard to the body?’


Emmon asks ‘Without keeping to the view of nonexistence, how can the right principle be pondered and maintained?’

Master Nyuri:  ‘If one holds that the heart exists, it exists even though one does not think of anything.  If the empty heart is realised, the heart remains empty even while thinking.
How so? 
It is like a Zen master who sits undisturbed and quiet though thoughts arise or like the heart that remains undisturbed and empty amid a raging gale’.

Concepts, symbols and science items


Science Items

Activities and commonsteps



Squash the big I am

