Observations placeholder
The use of hypnosis in a deaf patient with multiple personality disorder
Type of Spiritual Experience
Invisible input - healing
A description of the experience
Am J Clin Hypn. 1990 Oct;33(2):99-104.
The use of hypnosis in a deaf patient with multiple personality disorder: a case report.
1Indiana University School of Medicine, Indianapolis.
We present the first report of multiple personality disorder (MPD) in a prelingually deaf patient and the first description of alter personalities as the source of auditory hallucinations in a nonpsychotic deaf person.
This young woman's history and clinical symptoms of MPD did not differ from those of hearing patients.
A hypnotic trance was induced by instructing the patient in muscle relaxation, modeling relaxation with exhalation, and having the patient focus her gaze on the hypnotist repeatedly fingerspelling R-E-L-A-X.
Hypnosis facilitated automatic handwriting, allowed the first meeting with an alter personality, and speeded the diagnostic process. Fingerspelling has not previously been reported in hypnosis of the deaf. It is a practical means of induction for a therapist who lacks fluent signing skills. It provides a narrow fix of gaze and avoids induction by physical stimulation, a process that some abused patients find upsetting.
PMID: 2270843