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Observations placeholder

The Masters and Houston Witch’s cradle or ASCID - 02 Vaughan's account of experiment



Type of Spiritual Experience


It is worth adding this comment made by Alan about these experiments

"The prophecies I made in the Witch's Cradle were all in response to questions about which I might be already presumed to have an opinion. A better method there would be to write the question on a slip of paper and fold it, then hand it to the sensitive to see if he could get any impressions. It is a curious paradox that the less you know about something (or someone), the more accurate your psychic impressions are liable to be. Psi rushes in where logic fears to tread."

A description of the experience

Patterns of Prophecy – Alan Vaughan

9. By 1972-1973, severe flooding will affect the Eastern Coast of the United States. This will gradually worsen in some areas, particularly New Jersey.

This prediction, in one form or another, had been on my mind since 1966, when I first had psychic impressions of flooding of New York in 1972 and 1973.It was considerably overdramatized then. But as I stood in the Witch's Cradle, I saw an image of a flooding river. I sensed it was in New Jersey. This was completely new information.

The first indication of the actual flooding was in the summer of 1971 when the storm Doria caused so much flooding in New Jersey that the state was named a disaster area,. Flooding in New York City was the worst in ten years. But then in the summer of 1972 the worst floods in United States history hit the eastern seaboard, again caused by a tropical storm. Whole cities were inundated and several states were declared disaster areas. New York City experienced more rain in 1972 than any other year in its recorded history.

One of the worst-hit cities in the 1972 flood was Wilkes- Barre, Pennsylvania, when a river overflowed the dikes to inundate three quarters of the city. A year before I had been walking along that dike and musing how high the river would have to rise before overflowing. I did not, however, experience any feeling of disaster (as one might expect from viewing television thrillers about ESP)-it was merely intellectual curiosity.

If I have offended any seeker of thrills who wants to believe that "strange and mysterious psychic powers" are the source of prophecy, let me apologize for including some "misses" in the above list-thereby breaking a tradition set in recent years by popular writers on prophecy.

The source of the experience

Vaughan, Dr Alan

Concepts, symbols and science items



Science Items

Activities and commonsteps

