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Observations placeholder

The Kama sutra – 15 The types of men who are successful with women



Type of Spiritual Experience


A description of the experience

The Kama sutra – 15 The types of men who are successful with women

The following are the men who generally obtain success with women:

Men well versed in the science of love
Men skilled in telling stories
Men acquainted with women from their childhood
Men who have secured their confidence
Men who send presents to them
Men who talk well
Men who do things that they like
Men who have not loved other women previously
Men who act as messengers
Men who know their weak points
Men who are desired by good women
Men who are united with their female friends
Men who are good looking
Men who have been brought up with them
Men who are their neighbours
Men who are devoted to sexual pleasures, even though these be with their own servants
Men who have been lately married
Men who like picnics and pleasure parties
Men who are liberal
Men who are celebrated for being very strong (Bull men)
Enterprising and brave men
Men who surpass [others]  in learning and good looks, in good qualities, and in liberality
Men whose dress and manner of living are magnificent

Desire, which springs from nature, and which is increased by art, and from which all danger is taken away by wisdom, becomes firm and secure. A clever man, depending on his own ability, and observing carefully the ideas and thoughts of women, and removing the causes of their turning away from men, is generally successful with them

The source of the experience

The Kama Sutra of Vatsayana

Concepts, symbols and science items



Science Items

Activities and commonsteps



Making love

