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Observations placeholder

The experience of a child



Type of Spiritual Experience


A description of the experience


William Buhlman – The Secret of the Soul

Lauren O Rochester New York

When I was a child, not even ten years old, I had a few out-of-body experiences while drifting off to sleep. While lying on my bed, I would feel a whirring sensation in my head. Next I would see my body and the bed from above. It felt as if I was in two places at once. I could feel the ‘me’ up near the ceiling, but I could also still feel the ‘me’ lying on the bed. By the way, the ‘me’ near the ceiling never seemed to have a body – but it could see. After what seemed like a few seconds, the "me" near the ceiling could see the ‘me’ on the bed spinning around - that is, the entire bed seemed to be spinning, with my physical body in it. The ‘me’ near the ceiling then moved downward closer and closer to the spinning ‘me’ until the two ‘mes’ became one again.

I would usually feel a little bit dizzy after this took place. What I've just described happened very infrequently and usually only when I was physically exhausted after a long day. I was never scared when it happened. It actually felt nice and natural. Since I was only a child at the time, I assumed it was some kind of weird dream. It wasn’t until my early twenties that I realized that these incidents were probably OBEs. I now also realise that it wasn't the bed or the ‘me’ in the bed that was spinning. It was the ‘me’ in the air that was spinning above my physical body.

The source of the experience

Ordinary person

Concepts, symbols and science items



Science Items

Activities and commonsteps



Being a child

