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Observations placeholder

Morrells, Luce and the eclectic city



Type of Spiritual Experience


A description of the experience

A dream.  I was taken along with coach loads of Japanese, Chinese plus numerous other nationalities in these tiny two coached trains to this station.  We all got off and were escorted along boardwalks and pathways – muddy and still none paved  - around this city under construction. 

The site was rather beautiful, gentle rolling hills, some trees, green hills, but everywhere there were huge mounds, earth which had no vegetation at all;  all from this city building project.  I said that I thought it strange they were showing people round now as a tourist attraction when it was only half [at the most] completed, but he said people wanted to see it now, because they’d heard about it.  Incidentally I appeared to be the only European in the groups. 

Ahead of me there was a massive man made hill with a completed temple on the top.  Completely eclectic – all the styles of architecture one could imagine blended in to one – Chinese, Indian, Gothic, Greek you name it all the old civilisations.  But it didn’t look odd, it looked strangely ‘one’.

And all around were similar vast buildings, this was city building on a huge scale.  On our  right was this vast building with  a Greek portico, a Chinese sort of roof with dragons, steps embellished with what looked like cathedral fonts and eagles, walls in smooth stone, but the effect was quite stunning.

And all the buildings were gold coloured, they glowed as if the sun was shining on them.  Truly beautiful.  Everyone was ‘oohing’ and ‘aahing’.

Our guide was this hugely enthusiastic Tibetan or maybe Chinese llama in a Bhutanese style robe, who bounced and enthused and waved his hands in a sort of ecstasy of enthusiasm. 

He said the building was behind schedule, but it was certain to be ready when needed because everyone was working twice as hard to finish it on time.  But when we all looked around no one was working on it – the site was entirely empty of any people at all.

And then I woke up…………

The source of the experience

Morrells, Luce

Concepts, symbols and science items




Science Items

Activities and commonsteps



Dreaming and lucid dreaming

