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Observations placeholder

Terrifying lucid dreams hurt more in a country where they don't have remedies for ghosts



Type of Spiritual Experience


A description of the experience

Post 18

I'm in college in South Korea and for the past three months I have had some sleep disorder. When I sleep, I see things.

It looks to me like the dorm is locked and that someone is trying to strangle me. I try to open the door as I know that this is a dream and the suffering will go away when I get up and open the door, but I can hardly move. So, I fall from my bed and crawl towards the door and open it in agony. I feel scared and call for the people in the corridor. But all the dormitories are deserted and I cannot see anyone.

But after a while, the corridor of the dormitory starts to fill with hyenas and wolves. I scream, but no one comes to my rescue. So, what happened? Is this is another level of dreaming? I thought I got up and escaped from the man who was strangling me but now there are the wolves. I know I am getting deeper and the suffering is getting acute.

At that point, I pray for my Chinese dorm mates to show up and open the door from the outside because I know I am still dreaming but I cannot get up on my own. But they never show up in time to save me and I wake up tired, with a headache and frightened.

Now that I am awake I go to the door and check it out and it wasn't locked at all.

Such a story is common in my country of Ethiopia and I had similar experiences when I was there. But it hurts more in a foreign country where they don't have traditional remedies for ghosts

The source of the experience


Concepts, symbols and science items


False awakening



Science Items

Activities and commonsteps



Dreaming and lucid dreaming


Lucid dreaming
