Observations placeholder
Type of Spiritual Experience
Out of body
Late onset autistic symptoms and other fluctuating behaviors - Bussing R, Siddiqi S, Janicke DM, Harbert MJ, Trauner D, Taylor T Stein MT. - Departments of Psychiatry, Pediatrics and Clinical and Health Psychology, College of Medicine and College of Public Health and Health Professions, Gainesville, FL, USA.
A description of the experience
CASE: Suzanna was born to a 26-year-old woman who used cocaine, alcohol, and cigarettes and experienced domestic violence throughout her pregnancy.
Suzanna was placed in foster care with her current adoptive family after her birth. Her initial evaluation at 4 years revealed a global developmental delay (physical: 6 months; social and communication: 12 months). Improvements in development seemed to be in response to subsequent interventions.
At 5 years, she had borderline intellectual functioning, an expressive or receptive language disorder, and attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder.
Suzanna experienced an abrupt developmental decline at 6 1/2 years old. She lost cognitive abilities, and she no longer carried on conversations. Although she was no longer interactive with most people, she remained affectionate with her parents. Her mother thought that Suzanna had visual and auditory hallucinations.
In addition, she developed encopresis and hand flapping. A neurological evaluation, including a test for Rett Syndrome, was negative.
Her Full Scale IQ dropped from 73 to 50 with decreased adaptive functioning and clinically significant problems with hyperactivity, attention, and functional communication.
Suzanna's development stabilized temporarily during an 18-month period. A second period of declining function included "zombie-like" behavior, anxiety, and hallucinations.
Weekly sessions in child psychiatry included treatment with risperidone, methylphenidate, and supportive therapy for mother and child. After some clinical improvements in behavior, attention, and functioning, a psychological assessment confirmed the persistence of moderate mental retardation.
A multidisciplinary team considered a diagnosis of childhood disintegrative disorder.