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Study on in-vivo anti-tumor activity of Verbena officinalis extract
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Afr J Tradit Complement Altern Med. 2013 Apr 12;10(3):512-7. eCollection 2013. Study on in-vivo anti-tumor activity of Verbena officinalis extract. Kou WZ1, Yang J, Yang QH, Wang Y, Wang ZF, Xu SL, Liu J.
We investigated the anti-tumor effects of Verbena officinalis extract on H22 tumor-bearing mice and its effect on immune function. Mice model of H22 solid tumor was established, the mice were divided into five groups and administered the extract, later, tumors were removed and inhibition rates were calculated; spleens were removed and spleen indices were calculated, and the sheep red blood cell-delayed-type hypersensitivity (SRBC-DTH) and the serum hemolysin level were determined. The Verbena officinalis extract had anti-tumor effect, with the inhibition rate reaching 38.78%, it also increased the spleen index to a certain extent, in addition, the changes in DTA and HA were not obvious compared with the model group. The Verbena officinalis extract had in vivo anti-tumor effect, while causing no damage on the immune function.
KEYWORDS: H22 mouse; Verbena officinalis extract; immune function; tumor inhibition
PMID: 24146482