Observations placeholder
Stress from worry
Type of Spiritual Experience
The following experience is probably a mixture of both stress and depression, both involve high levels of emotion
A description of the experience
Out of the Body Experiences – Celia Green
I was living 21 miles away from home and my dear mother was ill with a quincey.
It was a Friday night and from bed I went home and was told my mother was very ill. I returned and I distinctly saw my body lying on the bed. I re-entered the body and then slept on. The whole experience was very vivid to me
On the saturday morning there was a postcard from home to say mother was doing nicely. When the landlady enquired, I told her what the postcard said but told her it was not correct. I then told her of my experience during the night and that mother's condition had worsened.
On the saturday night, I went home as usual for the weekend and I was then told that on the friday the doctor had visited mother twice and that he had contemplated lancing the quincey to prevent mother choking, but very fortunately the quincey broke of its own accord, to the great relief of mother's condition