Observations placeholder
Stress and insomnia cause auditory hallucinations
Type of Spiritual Experience
Inter composer communication
The post comes from a website that helps people with odd problems this post was on the section http://www.wisegeek.org/what-are-hypnagogic-hallucinations.htm
A description of the experience
Post 13
I am a 20 year old student. i have had Hallucinations for about six months now, due to stress and lack of sleep.
At first i was not to sure what i had.
It was terrifying, as if someone is trying to send me a message.
At one point I had these hallucinations three times in a row in one night. Sometimes i use to stay up the whole night trying to find out the problem.
However, i would like to inform everyone we could prevent it.
I advise everyone who has it to have a set bedtime and wake up every morning at the same time.
Yoga has also helped me, and green tea.
Let me know what helps you. Thank you.