Observations placeholder
Storms and school children
Type of Spiritual Experience
The evidence that severe storms and thunder produce infrasound seems to be fairly well established and proven. There is also evidence that the effects are not always positive, simply because resonance of this sort is unpredictable
A description of the experience
Extract - Something in the cellar, Vic Tandy
A paper by Green J, (1968) suggests a more subtle connection between infrasound and human behaviour. It draws a correlation between naturally occurring infrasound and selected human behaviour. A test was carried out to see what effect natural infrasound from a storm some 1,500 miles away would have on the population of an area enjoying "innocuous local weather conditions".
Infrasound can travel enormous distances without appreciable attenuation so the only evidence of the storm was inaudible infrasound monitored by instrumentation. The results of the test show an increase in automobile accident rate and a higher rate of absenteeism among school children when the storm infrasound was present, compared to the normal state. It may be that the effects of infrasound at low level are underestimated and may only affect a small part of the population. The whole area of infrasound and its effects has seen little experimentation over the past 10-20 years and it would seem these findings could well justify more work in the area.
The source of the experience
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Science Items
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