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Observations placeholder

Stockham, Alice Bunker - Karezza - Letter, Passion and Divine love



Type of Spiritual Experience


A description of the experience

Karezza – Ethics of Marriage 1903 second edition – Dr Alice B Stockham

From a letter

My Dear Dr. Stockham:

Your most gracious answer to my request came promptly. Last evening I devoted to Karezza and Creative Life. I bless you from my heart for this beautiful interpretation of the relation between the sexes. Passion has always seemed to me to be a sharing of God’s creative life and a divine instinct.

Its perversion and sensuality have profaned the holiest joys, and veiled souls from one another, shutting out the Love, which is the very High Priest of the Holy of Holies.

All Womankind should give living praise and thanks for the beneficence of Karezza’s influence, as I do.

It is delightful and reassuring to find one’s own truest intuitions purely interpreted on an open page. My own nature is filled and vibrant with that creative fire. I have never been ashamed of it, but it has been strongly repressed. I give to my ministry the love-forces that have never been satisfied except by the transfusion of the Universal Love.

I believe that the ennoblement of this passion to its own spiritual plane will lift the whole race heavenward and redeem the home and social world from retrogression.

It is the divine regeneration, the new birth of Spiritual Consciousness, for which the world has suffered long and long. Permit me to express my admiration for the dignity, purity and sweet seriousness of style of Karezza and the booklets.

Accept my very real thanks.

Believe that I shall try to promote, in all ways that a sister minister may, your beneficent message to women.

Yours sincerely, for love and purity,


Fort Collins, Colorado, November, 1900

The source of the experience

Stockham, Alice Bunker

Concepts, symbols and science items



Science Items

Activities and commonsteps



Sex magick
Sexual stimulation


