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Sterry, Peter - Didst thou ever decry a glorious eternity
Type of Spiritual Experience
A description of the experience
Peter Sterry - THE Rise, Race, and Royalty OF THE Kingdom of God IN THE Soul of MAN
Say thus to thy Heart: My Heart! Canst thou tell a way to possess all Things in one point, in a Unity of Life?
Hast thou lookt on all Things at once, and seen them in a Harmony of Beauty?
Hast thou taken in the Tunes and Mo∣tions of all Things Created and Uncreated in a Concent of Pleasures?
Didst thou ever yet descry a glorious Eternity in each winged Moment of Time; a Bright Infiniteness in the narrow points of every dark Object?
Then thou knowest what the Spirit means, that Spire-top of Things, whither all ascend harmoniously, where they meet, and sit together recollected, and concentred in an Unfathom'd Depth of Glorious Life.
From hence thou lookest down, and seest all Flesh, as a heap of Single Dusts; Dark, though falling from the midst of a bright Flame; Divided, though laid together