Observations placeholder
Seeing and hearing a theatre play
Type of Spiritual Experience
A description of the experience
Out of the Body Experiences – Celia Green
One very interesting experience occurred when in this floating state, I decided to project my conscious self some distance away from my body, and willed myself to travel some two hundred miles to visit a theatre in my home town, where I knew there was a production in which I was very much interested.
Immediately the desire occurred, I was there in the foyer of the theatre and drifted towards the corridor which I knew led to the auditorium. To my surprise, everything appeared to be the wrong way round. The stalls corridor was on the wrong side of the foyer and the stage the wrong end of the auditorium, as I remember it.
I drifted some feet above the heads of the audience in an upright position and obviously invisible and was able quite clearly to see and hear the play which was proceeding on the stage. A significant point is that I am rather deaf and could never in the body have heard stage dialogue without my hearing aid; nor could I have seen so perfectly without my glasses. Despite the absence of both these artificial aids, I found no difficulty whatever in seeing and hearing perfectly.
I was greatly enjoying the play and delighting in my unique method of seeing it – not without a feeling of rather smug satisfaction at my own cleverness [!!] when something on the stage amused me and I began to laugh. Immediately I was back in my physical body and found it, to my disappointment impossible to return
The source of the experience
Ordinary personConcepts, symbols and science items
Science Items
Activities and commonsteps
Blindness, macular degeneration and other sight impairmentDeafness and tinnitus