Observations placeholder
Scott, Sir Peter - A superb rain storm came past over Horseshoe Hole Farm and Balaclava
Type of Spiritual Experience
A description of the experience
Above: Scott - Snow Geese after a Storm
The Eye of the Wind – Sir Peter Scott
By now it was getting light and it was a most wonderful morning. Thick black rain clouds to the north-west with tremendous rain storms trailing underneath them and great masses of cotton-wool clouds showing pale against the blackness behind.
To the south-east it was clearer and the sky was pale cream-coloured with flat blue-grey clouds. But the most remarkable thing was the absolute clearness. Hunstanton looked only a mile or so away, and the trees of Lincolnshire were incredibly close. The old windmill along towards the coast-guard station stood out sharply against the sunrise . . .
We had some breakfast sitting on the old bank, and a superb rain storm came past over Horseshoe Hole Farm and Balaclava. Great curtains of rain reached down to the ground from the very low clouds, and seemed to be dragging on it in murky streaks. It was a wonderful thing to watch....
The source of the experience
Scott, Sir PeterConcepts, symbols and science items
Science Items
Activities and commonsteps
Going out in violent weatherSuppressions
Being left handedCommuning with nature