Observations placeholder
Severn, Arthur - Awakened by a blow on her lip so violent that she looked for blood
Type of Spiritual Experience
Inter composer communication
A description of the experience
Rosalind Heywood – The Infinite Hive
[This] is a simple correspondence of sensations between two persons, in which the experient may not even attribute his own sensation to any cause exterior to himself.
A very early case reported to the SPR was of this type. A landscape painter, Arthur Severn, went out sailing one morning while his wife was still asleep.
She was awakened later by a blow on her lip so violent that she looked for blood, but to her surprise found none. When her husband returned soon afterwards he was holding his handkerchief to his lip, which was bleeding badly because the tiller had swung over and gashed it when the boat was hit by a sudden gust of wind.