Observations placeholder
Rimbaud, Arthur - I ended by finding something sacred in the disorder of my mind
Type of Spiritual Experience
A description of the experience
Arthur Symons – The Symbolist Movement in Literature
I flattered myself that I had invented a poetic language accessible, one day or another, to every shade of meaning. I reserved to myself the right of translation ...
I accustomed myself to simple hallucination: I saw, quite frankly, a mosque in place of a factory, a school of drums kept by the angels, post-chaises on the roads of heaven, a drawing-room at the bottom of a lake; monsters, mysteries; the title of a vaudeville raised up horrors before me.
Then I explained my magical sophisms by the hallucination of words! I ended by finding something sacred in the disorder of my mind.
The source of the experience
Rimbaud, ArthurConcepts, symbols and science items
Science Items
Activities and commonsteps
Drinking absintheSuppressions
Cannabis and marijuanaMaking love
Suppression of learning