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Rimbaud, Arthur - All I remember now are her white lace panties
Type of Spiritual Experience
A description of the experience
Arthur Rimbaud – from Rimbaud Complete [translated by Wyatt Mason]
This is certainly the same countryside. The same rustic house that belonged to my parents; the very room where above the doors reside reddening pastoral scenes, coats of arms, lions.
One dines in a hall filled with candles and wines and rustic wainscoting. The table is very large. And the servants! There were many, as many as I had recalled. – And there was even one of my old friends who’d stopped by, a priest, and dressed like one; it allowed him greater freedom. I remember his crimson room, with yellow paper windowpane; and his books, all hidden away, that had been soaked by the sea.
I was abandoned, in this endless country house; I read in the kitchen, drying my muddy clothes in front of my hosts’ parlour conversations; moved to death by morning’s murmuring milk and the late century’s night.
I was in a very dark room; what was I doing? A servant drew close; I can tell you she was a little dog, however pretty, and it seemed to me, possessing an inexpressible maternal nobility; pure, familiar, utterly charming! She pinched my arm.
I don’t even remember her face very well anymore; this isn’t so that I might manage to remember her arm, whose skin I rolled between my fingers; nor her mouth, which my own seized upon like a desperate little wave, endlessly digging something within. I backed her into a basket filled with cushions and boat canvas in a dark corner. All I remember now are her white lace panties.
Then, such despair! The barrier shifted, somehow became the shadows of trees and I sank beneath the amorous sadness of night.
The source of the experience
Rimbaud, ArthurConcepts, symbols and science items
Science Items
Activities and commonsteps
Drinking absintheSuppressions
Cannabis and marijuanaMaking love
Suppression of learning