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Observations placeholder

Rig veda - Water



Type of Spiritual Experience


Water as spiritual input.

A description of the experience

The Rig Veda [translated by Wendy Doniger]

Waters, you are the ones who bring us the life force.  Help us to find nourishment so that we may look upon great joy

Let us share in the most delicious sap that you have, as if you were the loving mothers

Let us go straight to the house of the one for whom you waters give us life and give us birth

For our well being let the goddesses be an aid to us, the waters be for us to drink. Let them cause well-being and health to flow over us

Mistresses  of all the things that are chosen, rulers over all peoples the waters are the ones I beg for  a cure

Soma has told me that within the waters are all cures and Agni who is salutary to all

Waters, yield your cure as an armour for my body, so that I may see the sun for a long time

Waters, carry away all of this that has gone bad in me, either what I have done in malicious deceit or whatever lie I have sworn to

I have sought the waters today; we have joined with their sap.  O Agni full of moisture; come and flood me with splendour

The source of the experience

Rig veda, the

Concepts, symbols and science items

Science Items

Activities and commonsteps


