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Observations placeholder

Puharich, Andrija - Out of body from mushrooms



Type of Spiritual Experience



Copelandia is a genus of mushrooms consisting of at least 12 species. The Copelandia genus is a subgenus of Panaeolus created by Abbé Giacomo Bresadola (1847-1929) in honor of Edwin Bingham Copeland (1873-1964), an American who gathered fungi in the Philippines and sent some collections to Bresadola. Many American mycologists place members of Panaeolus which stain blue into Copelandia, but many European mycologists use the genus Panaeolus instead. At the moment the species names of both genera are synonyms.

Most Copelandia species have a long, thin fragile stem and are delicate.  Members of Copelandia are white to gray or tan, and the cap and stem stains blue due to the psilocin content. The cap is never viscid and often develops a cracked appearance as it dries out. None of the mushrooms in Copelandia have a partial veil and the gills always have thick walled pseudocystidia, often with crystals at the ends.

Copelandia are found growing in grasslands on dead moss, dead grass, sand dunes, decayed wood, and dung. They are found in the tropics and neotropics of both hemispheres.

A description of the experience


Out of body experiences   - David Black

Throughout the next few years Dr Andrija Puharich roamed the world. 

In Hawaii, where he unearthed Paneolus Campanulatus the first hallucinogenic mushroom to be found there, he was initiated into the native Kahuna religion, one of whose rites involved going out of body to other parts of the Islands.


The source of the experience

Puharich, Andrija

Concepts, symbols and science items



Science Items

Activities and commonsteps






See also Pollock. S. 1974. A novel experience with Panaeolus: A case study from Hawaii. Journal of Psychedelic Drugs vol. 6 (1 ): 85-89.