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Primitive Physic: or An Easy and Natural Method of Curing Most Diseases - John Wesley 08
Type of Spiritual Experience
A description of the experience
Primitive Physic: or An Easy and Natural Method of Curing Most Diseases
6. Observe all the time the greatest exactness in your regimen or manner of living. Abstain from all mixed, all high seasoned food. Use plain diet, easy of digestion; and this as sparingly as you can, consistent with ease and strength.
Drink only water, if it agrees with our stomach; if not, good, clear small beer.
Use as much exercise daily in the open air, as you can without weariness.
Sup at six or seven on the lightest food; go to bed early, and rise betimes. To persevere with steadiness in this course, is often more than half the cure.
Above all, add to the rest, (for it is not labour lost) that old unfashionable medicine, prayer. And have faith in God who "killeth and maketh alive, who bringeth down to the grace, and bringeth up."