Observations placeholder
Prasna Upanishad
Type of Spiritual Experience
A description of the experience
Prasna Upanishad
Those who obey the Law of the Lord of Creation, they in turn become creators and like him produce a pair. They attain the pale regions of the moon.
But those in whom there is no deceit, untruth or bad faith, who live in steadfastness, purity and truth, theirs are the radiant regions of the sun.
OM or AUM has three sounds. He who rests on the first his meditation is illumined thereby and after death returns speedily to this world of men led by the harmonies of the Rig Veda. Remaining here in steadiness, purity and truth he attains greatness.
And if he rests his mind in meditation on the first two sounds, he is led by the harmonies of the Yajur Veda to the regions of the moon. After enjoying their heavenly joys, he returns to earth again.
But if, with the three sounds of the eternal OM, he places his mind in meditation upon the Supreme Spirit, he comes to the regions of light of the sun. There he becomes free from all evil, even as a snake sheds its old skin, and with the harmonies of the Sama Veda he goes to the heaven of Brahma wherefrom he can behold the Spirit that dwells in the city of the human body and which is above the highest life. There are two verses that say
‘The three sounds not in union lead again to life that dies; but the wise who merge them into a harmony of union in outer, inner and middle actions becomes steady, he trembles no more’
There he finds the peace of the Supreme Spirit where there is no dissolution or death and where there is no fear