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Observations placeholder

Phantasms of the Living Volume I – Edmund Gurney - The sent message



Type of Spiritual Experience


A description of the experience

Phantasms of the Living Volume I – Edmund Gurney

From Mrs West, Furness Road, Eastbourne 1883

My father Sir John Crowe, who was Consul General for Norway, and my brother were on a journey to Norway during the winter of 1871-72, I was expecting them home, without knowing the exact day of their return.  One night I dreamed I was looking out of a window, when I saw father driving in a sledge, followed in another by my brother.

They had to pass a cross road, on which another traveller was driving very fast, also in a sledge with one horse.  Father seemed to drive on without observing the other fellow, who would without fail have driven over father if he had not made his horse rear, so that I now saw my father drive under the hoofs of the horse.  Every moment I expected the horse would fall down and crush him.  I called out ‘Father! Father!’ and woke in a great fright.

The next morning my father and brother returned.  I said to him.  ‘I am so glad to see you arrive quite safely, as I had such a dreadful dream about you last night’ and I told them my dream.

My brother then related to me what had actually happened.  It tallied exactly with my dream.  My brother in his fright, when he saw the feet of the horse over father’s head, had called out ‘Oh, father, father!’

The source of the experience

Ordinary person

Concepts, symbols and science items


Science Items

Activities and commonsteps



Overwhelming fear and terror


Dreaming and lucid dreaming

