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Out of body from cranial surgery saw
Type of Spiritual Experience
The following lady was very ill with a giant basilar artery aneurysm and was being operated on. She was anaesthetised and the surgeon was using a pneumatically powered 'Midas Rex' attached to a long green hose to compressed air tanks. A Midas Rex is a small bone saw only about thumb sized, with a motor in the brass head. He started to cut into the bone of her skull..... this is Pam's story....
A description of the experience
Light and Death – Dr Michael Sabom
The next thing I recall was the sound; it was a natural D. As I listened to the sound, I felt it was pulling me out of the top of my head. The further out of my body I got, the more clear the tone became. I had the impression it was like a road, a frequency that you go on.. I remember seeing several things in the operating room when I was looking down. It was the most aware that I think that I have ever been in my entire life... I was metaphorically sitting on Dr Spetzler's shoulder.
It was not like normal vision... there was so much in the operating room that I didn't recognise, and so many people.
I thought the way they had my head shaved was very peculiar. I expected them to take off all of the hair, but they did not.. The saw thing that I hated the sound of looked like an electric toothbrush and it had a dent in it, a groove at the top where the saw appeared to go into the handle, but it didn't.. and the saw had interchangeable blades too, but these blades were in what looked like a socket wrench case... I heard the saw crank up. I didn't see them use it on my head, but I think I heard it being used on something. It was humming at a relatively high pitch and then all of a sudden it went Brrrrrrr! Like that....
Someone said something about my veins and arteries being very small. I believe it was a female voice and that it was Dr Murray, but I'm not sure. She was the cardiologist. I remember thinking that I should have told her about that..... I remember the heart lung machine. I didn't like the respirator . I remember a lot of tools and instruments that I did not readily recognise.