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Observations placeholder

Osty, Dr Eugene - Supernormal faculties in Man – Mme Fraya's impressions of his prospective bride



Type of Spiritual Experience


A description of the experience

Supernormal faculties in Man- Dr Eugene Osty

My friend, M. Frederic G-, engaged two months before to a beautiful and very attractive woman of thirty, whose acquaintance he had made on his travels, asked me to give him my impressions of his prospective bride. I told him that I could not judge of anyone on an hour's conversation, but if he had anything written by her it would be a good opportunity to test Mme Fraya's faculty and so improve his chances if he had made a good choice.

On May 12th, 1921, part of a letter written by Mme Lucie V__ was placed in Mme Fraya's hands; she knew neither the person nor her handwriting. She was only asked to describe the character of the writer. What was said

 "This person is imperious, overbearing, and devoured by pride and ambition. Her amiable and simple manners do not betray her dominating desire for a brilliant life. It would be well to distrust her gentle and graceful manners, for these show a great power of dissimulation and a will to win confidence in order to attain self-interested ends.

In intimacy this manner gives place to an irritable and despotic temper. Too satisfied with herself to doubt her own charm, and too accustomed to homage to think that anyone can resist her, she acts with capricious independence.

Changeable, impulsive, and incapable of moderation, she follows the impulses of her imagination and her taste for adventure leads her to extravagant actions. She is disturbing and dangerous, and marriage with her would be a great risk.

She constantly twists the truth, is disposed to calumniate others, and has no scruples in clearing herself by accusing others

Audacious, violent, and nervous, and rather unbalanced, her mind disposes her to cruelty and intense egotism

Her understanding is unquiet and her judgment deficient. Hysterical incoherence.


Mr. G- was stupefied, and entirely refused to believe the portrait. I told him "Metagnomy is a human faculty, and as such liable to error, still, marriage is a serious matter. You know no more of this lady than what she allows you to see. Apart from what you have heard, mere prudence should lead you, to make a cautious investigation into her character."

Mr. G- declared that he trusted his fiancee entirely.

A month later he told me that the engagement had been suddenly broken off. An incident occurred in which Mme Lucie V-_ showed unexpected traits, which Mr. G--- recognized as those described by Mme Fraya.

He made enquiries, and to his surprise found that she had been divorced from her husband, whom she had wounded with a revolver and whose life she had ruined. In order to choose the richer of the two, she was at this very time engaged to a manufacturer, and her whole life was a tissue of intrigue to secure luxury.

The source of the experience

Osty, Dr Eugene

Concepts, symbols and science items


Science Items

Activities and commonsteps


