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Observations placeholder

Mrs. van den Bos-Theunissen prophesies the movements of Dr Tenhaeff



Type of Spiritual Experience


A description of the experience

Croiset the Clairvoyant - Jack Harrison Pollack

A personal war prediction about Dr. Tenhaeff was made by Mrs. van den Bos-Theunissen …. In January 1939, she spontaneously said to her surprised investigator,

"I see a long journey ahead for you. In a few months you will go to the United States. You will quite unexpectedly receive an invitation. You will have a pleasant time there but I see you involved in an automobile accident.
Don't worry, you won't get hurt. It will happen on a long road with mountains on the left. Your journey back to the Netherlands will take a long time. Usually, it only takes a week. But now I see it taking five weeks. How is that possible?"

Recalls Dr. Tenhaeff,

"In June 1939, I received a sudden invitation to visit the United States from my boyhood friend Mr. W. H. de Monchy, who was then president of the Holland-America Line. In the middle of August, I was a passenger in an automobile between New York and Rochester. The car had an accident on a road where the Catskill mountains were on the left. Fortunately, none of us was hurt.
In September 1939, when our comfortable ship, the Statendam, was sailing back to the Netherlands, Great Britain declared war on Germany. A British warship accosted our boat in the English Channel for inspection. Our ship was anchored in The Downs for three and a half weeks and kept under watch by the British Navy. So our journey back took nearly five weeks as the paragnost had foreseen. It would not, of course, have taken that long if war had not broken out."

The source of the experience

Ordinary person

Concepts, symbols and science items


Science Items

Activities and commonsteps


