Observations placeholder
Farrelly, Frances - MORA assessment
Type of Spiritual Experience
A description of the experience
Frances Farrelly
CBird: But what about the radionics instruments as devices for, not diagnosis, but treatment? How is the treatment effected, if it is?
FARRELLY: I wish I knew. I know that it works but don't know why or how. There are several different methods for treatment. Drown would use a diagnostic rate to determine an affliction and then select a remedy, put it in the circuitry of the machine, and claim that the treatment was affected by the vibrations from the remedy.
The De la Warrs used what they called a "complementary rate." They subtracted a diagnostic rate, say, for flu which is 38 and subtract each of the digits from 10 to get 72, which was the treating rate. This also seemed to work.
Dr. Love had a third method. He'd use another number to annul the first one. If he had a rate for flu, he'd work the dials on the device until he found another number which would completely wipe out his reaction to it.
Even after thirty years in the field, I don't know how the treatment instruments work, whether for humans or animals.
CBird: What has been the track record?
FARRELLY: Whether it was Dr. Love, Dr. Drown, De la Warr or others, they all have claimed a very high percentage of success with all kinds of illnesses. But it also depended to what stage the disease had advanced. This applies to any disease. It is my impression that with treatment devices using electricity, such as the one developed by T. Galen Hieronymous, the treatment seemed to proceed faster than those which used no electrical current such as the Drown and De la Warr instruments. I know that Dr. Love's treating machines which used electricity, accomplish in three minutes what it took Dr. Drown's an hour to accomplish. But I don't know how to account for this.