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Observations placeholder

Monsieur Vacheron of Nice's wife prophesies his mother's death



Type of Spiritual Experience


Communication between composers and an unheeded warning

A description of the experience

Death and its Mystery, At the Moment of Death; Manifestations and Apparitions of the Dying – Camille Flammarion

Letter 4212 From Monsieur Vacheron of Nice

In June 1915, we were in Orleans.  My wife saw my mother – then aged 79 – in a dream, dead but clothed; parting her garments, she saw a wound on the left side of the stomach – a purple blood coloured wound.  She was greatly struck by this dream.

My mother was living in a little district of Auvergne, in the environs of Clermont.  Some days afterwards we had very good news from her.  We rejoined her in July and left the village in October.

On January 20th 1916, seven months afterward, I received in Nice from my daughter, who had remained with my mother, a telegram thus worded ‘Grandmother operated on – very ill’.  The next day another telegram announced her death.

This is what had happened.

My mother had a hernia, which we did not know of, for she had spoken of it to no one and had worn no bandage.  This hernia had caused a stoppage.  The doctor, summoned in haste, decided that an operation was imperative.  They sent for an ambulance and she was taken to hospital in Clermont.  She arrived at night and was not operated on until the next day.  Too late!  They took her back toward the village in an automobile and she died on the way in her granddaughter’s arms.

My wife’s dream was thus realised in all its details; a wound in the stomach, on the left side and my mother clothed, though dead.

The source of the experience

Ordinary person

Concepts, symbols and science items


Science Items

Activities and commonsteps



Dreaming and lucid dreaming

