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Observations placeholder

Monsieur Chevremont's premonition of the death of his father



Type of Spiritual Experience


I have put in that he was dying because despite M Chevremeont's insistence that his father was in perfect health, people do not die when they are in perfect health, they die occasionally when they are not ill, but not in perfect health - but perhaps I am being finnicky about language.

The father's composer was trying to warn him and prepare him for the event


A description of the experience

Death and its Mystery, At the Moment of Death; Manifestations and Apparitions of the Dying – Camille Flammarion
Letter 2313 A Chevremont, Croix-de-Vie, Vendee

At the beginning of 1907 my father – then aged 84 years – was still a man vigorous and alert for his great age.  He enjoyed perfect health, and it happened very often that he walked 18 kilometers in the afternoon; this is what he called ‘taking a little turn after lunch’.

On a certain March day – it must have been between the 15th and the 20th, but the exact date is of no great importance – my father, my wife and I were gathered together at the table for breakfast.  Conversation, after having run its usual course, had halted for an instance.

My eyes were fixed upon the things before me, when, lifting my head abruptly, I gazed at my father with a feeling of the most intense stupefaction.  It seemed to me that, dead for ten years, perhaps, he had again taken his place among us.  That lasted an instant, but the impression I experienced was extremely intense.

Some days afterwards my father took to his bed suddenly and died on April 24th, after 26 days of illness.

I shall hold all my life to the conviction that I received from this occurrence, the warning of an event that nothing else made us foresee.

The source of the experience

Ordinary person

Concepts, symbols and science items


Science Items

Activities and commonsteps


