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Mare, Walter de la - Extract from Rupert Brooke and the intellectual imagination 02
Type of Spiritual Experience
A description of the experience
From De la Mare, Walter John - Rupert Brooke and the intellectual imagination
The poetical imagination is of two distinct kinds or types.
The one divines, the other discovers.
The one is intuitive deductive ; the other logical, deductive.
The one visionary, the other intellectual.
The one knows that beauty is truth, the other proves that truth is beauty.
And the poet inherits, as it seems to me, the one kind from the child in him, the other from the boy in him. …….the two streams, though their source and tributaries intermingle, are distinguishable; and such poets as Plato, the writer of the Book of Job, Vaughan, Blake, Coleridge, and Shelley, may be taken as representative of the one type; Lucretius, Donne, Dryden, Byron, Browning, Meredith, as representative of the other.
Is not life both a dream and an awakening?