Observations placeholder
Low intensity military weapons
Type of Spiritual Experience
A description of the experience
Extract - Something in the cellar, Vic Tandy
Modulation of the infrasonic signal is considered, by those engaged in the design of infrasound weapons as an important property if the weapon is to be effective.
An article in the New Scientist (1999) suggests that experiments in the use of pure, airborne infrasound as a weapon have been ineffective whereas direct coupling of the energy in the form of vibration has been shown to cause physiological effects. The problem is the coupling of the energy to the body. It will come as no surprise that little is written about this area of research. However, Dr Kalus-Dieter Thiel of the Fraunhofer Instiut für Chemische Technologie (ICT), a colleague working in this area, has stated that current research into infrasound weapons places emphasis on the use of modulation to enhance their effectiveness. In his recent book, Future War, Colonel John Alexander (2000) refers to experiments with Pulsed Periodic Stimuli (PPS) an extreme form of modulation.
"The technique.. [PPS] .. can be applied to situations where it is desirable to cause perceptual disorientation in targeted individuals. This is important, as it is the first acoustic weapon that does not rely on high intensity to cause the desired effects. Rather low-intensity, pulsed, acoustic energy can induce fairly strong effects in humans." (Alexander 2000)