Observations placeholder
Lovecraft, H P - Cool Air
Type of Spiritual Experience
A description of the experience
"You ask me to explain why I am afraid of a draught of cool air; why I shiver more than others upon entering a cold room, and seem nauseated and repelled when the chill of evening creeps through the heat of a mild autumn day. There are those who say I respond to cold as others do to a bad odour, and I am the last to deny the impression. What I will do is to relate the most horrible circumstance I ever encountered, and leave it to you to judge whether or not this forms a suitable explanation of my peculiarity."
—Cool Air
(Originally published in Tales of Magic and Mystery, March 1928.)
The source of the experience
Lovecraft, H PConcepts, symbols and science items
Science Items
Activities and commonsteps
Nutritional deprivationSleep deprivation, insomnia and mental exhaustion